S2 Ep11 I want to go home with Renee Marie Simpson

Season #2

CONTENT WARNING - Talk about sexual abuse, child sexual abuse and the death of a perpetrator.

In this episode, Kristi talks with author, youth activist, sexual abuse survivor, sexual assault group facilitator and coach, Renee Simpson. 

Renee is the author of the book 'I want to go home' - a book which explores and shares about her trip across the world on a sailing boat, where she sailed through storms, nearly starved from a lack of food and her journey recovering from child sexual abuse and rape.

Renee now facilitates sexual assault support groups through The Survivor Hub and trauma informed coaching for sexual abuse survivors where she encourages survivors to write their own stories and heal their own lives via her 'Shake the Walls' writing course. 

This is a very interesting conversation about recovering from sexual abuse, exploring trauma and the ways we process trauma and recovery. 

You can find Renee via her social media @reneemariesimpsonauthor.

If any part of the show causes distress, please seek support and help from either the following services or from your own family doctor/psychologist or counsellor. 

Lifeline - 131114

Beyond Blue - 1300 224 636

Service Assisting Male Survivors of Sexual Assault (SAMSSA) - (02) 6287 3935

1800 Respect - 1800 737 732

For more information or resources please visit the CAPE-AU website at www.cape-au.com