Teaching your children healthy relationships through their friendships adults behaviours child abuse prevention friends healthy relationships kids safe behaviours Aug 29, 2024

Healthy relationships and what they look and feel like was NOT a topic of discussion when I was growing up. Like most people, my experiences with romantic relationships were through watching my parent’s relationships and how they interacted together.

As you can imagine, with a family of...

Your Guide to Sleepover Safety behaviours body safety child abuse prevention child safety children consent friends healthy relationships kids parent resources parenting parents peers safe adults safe behaviours sleepovers teens Jul 24, 2024

Before I begin with my sleepover safety advice and tips, I would like to acknowledge that sleepovers were one of my fondest memories growing up.

When I went to a sleepover, I got to see how other families interacted and lived. I got to see  how their mum’s took care of my friends and...