Setting up your child’s new smartphone or device for success and safety
Whether it’s your child’s first phone or their next device, it is super important that we don’t give our kids a smartphone or device with access to every danger on the internet, without putting up...
I’m going to be honest with you all…I have some regrets.
If you haven’t read or heard my story, I joined the police when my daughter was just shy of 2 years old and became a detective not long after she turned 6 years old.
I heard and saw A LOT of things that have...
Parent Question - Hi there, my wife and I are looking for some guidance in relation to supporting our two young children from potential adverse consequences from sharing their photos online.
We are stuck as to what is appropriate when there is no general rules for whether it's safe to share their...
Thought I'd jump in with my own thoughts on what's 'IN & OUT' in parenting in 2024.
What we (society/parents) have done in the past when it comes to child safety isn't ALL bad, however, it's TIME TO CHANGE the future of child safety!!!
This requires us to be brave and boldly face the...
My daughter was exposed to pornography for the first time at 10yo. Sadly, she is the ‘norm’ NOT the exception in these statistics.
Embarrassingly, I was a child abuse detective with over 8-years experience in the Child Sexual Abuse space at the time it happened.
I had already had the...

I had a young person contact me yesterday asking for HELP.
The young person had been shared a link to a website in which they were pressured to open and look at on insistence from 'friends'.
A lot of parents haven't considered the potential implications that a phone or device can have on your child's safety and development before they are gifted or given one.
Not because they don't care about those issues but more so because the things that may or may not effect a child's...
Kids talking to strangers online is a seriously scary thought for some parents and not much of a consideration for others.
As a parent, we often don't understand or realise the risks in a child or teens need to engage and communicate with someone not known to them in real life. Even...
Noun: Supervision - the act of supervising something or someone
Noun: Oversight - the action of overseeing something
When it comes to your child's online activities, it is highly recommended by both police, world wide law enforcement agencies, child protection agencies and online safety...
If you love true crime and hearing stories about policing than you need to check out the 'I catch killers' podcast.
I had the pleasure of being interviewed for the podcast with ex-NSW Detective Inspector Gary Jubelin last week.
During the interview, I got to share my experiences in...
Last week, I attended an amazingly insightful presentation regarding Autism, Young People and the impact of pornography hosted by eSafeKids founder Kaylene Kerr and presented by Maree Crabbe and Dr Wen Lawson.
This presentation was hugely interesting and gave me so much insight into...