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5 things you should discuss before your child gets a phone child protection cyberbullying online grooming online safety

A lot of parents haven't considered the potential implications that a phone or device can have on your child's safety and development before they are gifted or given one. 

Not because they don't care about those issues but more so because the things that may or may not effect a child's...

Why do kids talk to strangers online child abuse child protection online grooming online safety

Kids talking to strangers online is a seriously scary thought for some parents and not much of a consideration for others. 

As a parent, we often don't understand or realise the risks in a child or teens need to engage and communicate with someone not known to them in real life.  Even...

Supervision vs Oversight - what is the difference? cyberbullying online grooming online safety

Noun: Supervision - the act of supervising something or someone

Noun: Oversight - the action of overseeing something

When it comes to your child's online activities, it is highly recommended by both police, world wide law enforcement agencies, child protection agencies and online safety...

Autistic Young People and Pornography autism child protection online grooming online safety pornography

Last week, I attended an amazingly insightful presentation regarding Autism, Young People and the impact of pornography hosted by eSafeKids founder Kaylene Kerr and presented by Maree Crabbe and Dr Wen Lawson. 

This presentation was hugely interesting and gave me so much insight into...

Why teens aren't scared of online predators... cyberbullying grooming online grooming online safety

Why our teens aren’t scared of online predators… 

After 10 years interviewing children as a police officer and specialist child interviewer and  almost 3 years talking and presenting to young people about online safety and abuse prevention, it is a common occurrence that...

A child is only as safe as the environment and people surrounding them.

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